Why choose Allianz Construction and Installation Insurance

Learn more about the contents of the package
Construction and Installation Insurance
Objects under construction
Buildings under construction
Construction, craft, installation materials
Other equipment intended exclusively for installation in the insured facility
Construction equipment and ancillary facilities used for the construction of a construction facility
Metal structures with or without mechanical and electrical equipment
Machinery, mechanical and electrical equipment, installations and appliances
Assembly equipment and ancillary facilities used for assembly
Allianz Construction and Installation Insurance – arrange your policy in a quick and easy way!

Allianz is a partner you can trust!

You can insure buildings of both concrete and timber construction category

Be safe since the moment you lay the foundations during construction or installation
Do you want to file a claim?
Construction and Installation Insurance Frequently Asked Questions
under construction, construction, craft and installation materials,
construction equipment and ancillary facilities used for the construction of
facilities larger than 15 m2 can be insured under the same policy, but with the
payment of an additional premium.
Objects in
the insured building, common areas of the building outside the apartment,
equipment installed in ancillary facilities, equipment that is not installed
and is not part of the insured facility.
Do you need help?
We offer tailored solutions for individual needs to provide you with the best possible insurance for your situation.

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Forms, sample contracts, templates, insurance conditions, info-sheets and other useful documents
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